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বহিঃবাংলাদেশ ছুটি

ক্রম বিষয়বস্তু প্রকাশের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
I have been directed to convey the sanction of the Government earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) infavour of Debraj Pahalan Mithu, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land to travel India for 15 (fifteen) days from 19/02/2025 to 02/03/2025 or from the commencement of the leave. The leave (Ex-Bangladesh) has been granted with the approval of his intended travel to India in order to get better treatment. ১৬-০২-২০২৫
I have been directed to convey the sanction of the Government earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) infavour of Debraj Pahalan Mithu, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land to travel India for 15 (fifteen) days from 19/02/2025 to 02/03/2025 or from the commencement of the leave. The leave (Ex-Bangladesh) has been granted with the approval of his intended travel to India in order to get better treatment.
I have been directed to convey the sanction of the Government earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) infavour of Debraj Pahalan Mithu, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land to travel India for 15 (fifteen) days from 19/02/2025 to 02/03/2025. The leave (Ex-Bangladesh) has been granted with the approval of his intended travel to India . ১৬-০২-২০২৫
Government Sanction under the Project EDLMS for Midterm training for working Level-3 to South Korea. ১১-০২-২০২৫
Government Sanction under the Project EDLMS for Midterm training for working Level-3 to South Korea.
The undersigned is directed to convey the sanction of Rest and Recreation (ex-Bangladesh) leave in favor of Shah Md. Shamsuzzoha (17083), Private Secretary to Chairman (Secretary), Land Appeal Board, Ministry of Land, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh for a period of 15 (fifteen) days from 10 February 2025 to 24 February 2025 or from the date of commencement of journey for travelling to India for medical purpose. ০৯-০২-২০২৫
The undersigned is directed to convey the sanction of Rest and Recreation (ex-Bangladesh) leave in favor of Shah Md. Shamsuzzoha (17083), Private Secretary to Chairman (Secretary), Land Appeal Board, Ministry of Land, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh for a period of 15 (fifteen) days from 10 February 2025 to 24 February 2025 or from the date of commencement of journey for travelling to India for medical purpose.
I have been directed to convey the sanction of the Government earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) infavour of Debraj Pahalan Mithu, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land to travel India for 15 (fifteen) days from 01/02/2025 to 15/02/2025 or from the commencement of the leave. The leave (Ex-Bangladesh) has been granted with the approval of his intended travel to India in order to get better treatment. ২৯-০১-২০২৫
I have been directed to convey the sanction of the Government earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) infavour of Debraj Pahalan Mithu, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land to travel India for 15 (fifteen) days from 01/02/2025 to 15/02/2025 or from the commencement of the leave. The leave (Ex-Bangladesh) has been granted with the approval of his intended travel to India in order to get better treatment.
The undersigned is directed to grant earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) in favor of Mr. Sukhendu Shekhar Sarkar, Assistant Settlement Officer, Upazilla Settlement Office, Narayanganj Sadar, Narayanganj, Zonal Settlement Dhaka to visit India for the purpose of his better medical treatment. ২১-০১-২০২৫
The undersigned is directed to grant earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) in favor of Mr. Sukhendu Shekhar Sarkar, Assistant Settlement Officer, Upazilla Settlement Office, Narayanganj Sadar, Narayanganj, Zonal Settlement Dhaka to visit India for the purpose of his better medical treatment.
I have been directed to convey the sanction of the Government earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) to Rima, Stenotypist Cum Computer Operator, Ministry of Land to travel India for 15 (fifteen) days from 01/03/2025 to 15/03/2025 or from the commencement of the leave. The leave (Ex-Bangladesh) has been granted with the approval of his intended travel to India in order to get better treatment under the following terms and conditions. ১৯-০১-২০২৫
I have been directed to convey the sanction of the Government earned leave (Ex-Bangladesh) to Rima, Stenotypist Cum Computer Operator, Ministry of Land to travel India for 15 (fifteen) days from 01/03/2025 to 15/03/2025 or from the commencement of the leave. The leave (Ex-Bangladesh) has been granted with the approval of his intended travel to India in order to get better treatment under the following terms and conditions.
Government Sanction, Mr. Md Zeaul Kabir, Assistant Settlement Officer, Upazilla Settlement Office, Kawkhali, Pirojpur, Zonal Settlement Barishal has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India. ০৬-০১-২০২৫
Government Sanction, Mr. Md Zeaul Kabir, Assistant Settlement Officer, Upazilla Settlement Office, Kawkhali, Pirojpur, Zonal Settlement Barishal has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India.
Government Sanction, Mst. Mollika Khatun, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Saudi Arabia. ০৫-০১-২০২৫
Government Sanction, Mst. Mollika Khatun, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Saudi Arabia.
১০ Government Sanction, Mir Mahmuda Akther, Union Land Deputy Assistant Officer, Gopaya Union Land Office, Habiganj Sadar, Habiganj has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Saudi Arabia. ০১-০১-২০২৫
Government Sanction, Mir Mahmuda Akther, Union Land Deputy Assistant Officer, Gopaya Union Land Office, Habiganj Sadar, Habiganj has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Saudi Arabia.
১১ Government Sanction, Shah Md Shamsuzzoha, Privet Secretary, land appeal Board, ministry of land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India. ২৩-১২-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Shah Md Shamsuzzoha, Privet Secretary, land appeal Board, ministry of land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India.
১২ Government Sanction, Shah Md Shamsuzzoha (17083), Private Secretary to Chairman (Secretary), Land Appeal Board, Ministry of Land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India. ২৩-১২-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Shah Md Shamsuzzoha (17083), Private Secretary to Chairman (Secretary), Land Appeal Board, Ministry of Land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India.
১৩ Government Sanction, Md. Khairul Kabir Menon, Additional Secretary, Land Reforms Board, Dhaka has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Saudi Arabia. ১২-১২-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Md. Khairul Kabir Menon, Additional Secretary, Land Reforms Board, Dhaka has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Saudi Arabia.
১৪ Government Sanction, Md Sayedur Rahman Sayed, Surveyer, ministry of land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Singapur. ০১-১২-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Md Sayedur Rahman Sayed, Surveyer, ministry of land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Singapur.
১৫ Government Sanction, Mr. Narayan Chandra Paul, Charge Officer, Zonal Settlement Office, Jashore has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India. ০১-১২-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Mr. Narayan Chandra Paul, Charge Officer, Zonal Settlement Office, Jashore has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India.
১৬ Government Sanction, Muhammad Mahfuzur Rahman, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended to attend the Royal Project International Conference in Thailand. ২৪-১১-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Muhammad Mahfuzur Rahman, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended to attend the Royal Project International Conference in Thailand.
১৭ Government Sanction, Mr. Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Private Secretary to advisor, ministry of local govt. rural Development and co-operatives and ministry of land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Kingdom of Saudia Arabia. ২৪-১০-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Mr. Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Private Secretary to advisor, ministry of local govt. rural Development and co-operatives and ministry of land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.
১৮ Government Sanction, Miz Shalina Perveen, sub-Assistnat Settlement Officer, Upazila Settlement Office, Palash, Narshingdi has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Canada. ২৫-০৯-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Miz Shalina Perveen, sub-Assistnat Settlement Officer, Upazila Settlement Office, Palash, Narshingdi has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to Canada.
১৯ জনাব মোহাম্মদ আবুল কালা, উপসচিব, ভূমি মন্ত্রণালয় এর অনাপত্তি সনদ। ১৯-০৯-২০২৪
জনাব মোহাম্মদ আবুল কালা, উপসচিব, ভূমি মন্ত্রণালয় এর অনাপত্তি সনদ।
২০ Government Sanction, Mst. Mollika Khatun, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India. ২২-০৮-২০২৪
Government Sanction, Mst. Mollika Khatun, Personal Officer, Ministry of Land has been Granted Leave (Ex-Bangladesh) Approval of his Intended Travel to India.

সর্বমোট তথ্য: ৫৩৫